Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Facebook vs Real life?

  So while taking a shower today, yes, I know, it's a really odd way to start a blog post; BUT I totally do all my serious thinking in there. I thought, if people acted the way they do on Facebook in real life, our society would be more screwed up than it already is.

  Imagine that your at a nice restaurant having a pretty good day- minding your own business, about to enjoy the chicken you just ordered. Then a couple fighting catches your attention.

  "Who's this girl who keeps commenting and like-ing all your posts?"
  "Why won't you accept my relationship request?!"
  "Who dat ho?"

Then, at the end of the fight some one yells "SO-and-SO has gone from 'in a relationship' to 'single'".
THANK G-O-D we can just ignore this crap in our news feed. 

Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic.

  Okay guys, I feel terrible. I've neglected my poor blog for over four months now!
But I promise I will not do this again- and my new goal will be to write every week. Besides it's good to set goals over the summer, otherwise you wind up just sitting around in your pj's watching re-runs of "Friends".
... Which I would never do of course...