OKAY, maybe smacking people is a little harsh. But who said I was nice? Hahaha, in all seriousness, as a teenager myself I have seen a lot of misspelled words and horrible grammar in my day. And what really, REALLY bothers me is kids who can't spell! - Heck, if a guy can't spell he isn't even worth my time. That's how much it bugs me. Now maybe that's a terrible thing to say, but I know a lot of folks out there are thinking it.
Texting and sites like Facebook & the now untrendy MySpace have ruined this generation & probably the next one's spelling skills. I'm just thankful kids these days know how to read (SOME kids, anyways..)
Now is there something wrong with abbreviating once in awhile? No I don't think so- I use the occasional 'LOL', 'TGIF', or 'TTYL'. But once it starts effecting how kids spell in general, I really have a problem with it.
their es nuthin wrong wit mispeling every once in a while and sum peple jist dont hav that big of vocabularys. pssh, whu even nows how to spel currectly now-a-days anywhay?
ReplyDeleteYou have no idea how hard it is to write that bad on purpose. Good point though! But sometimes some words you gotta give a small break on... Especially for us guys. Words like hansom (handsome) and softmore (sophomore) can be spelt wrong just cause thats how we (guys in general) spell things. Some people just spell things phonetically when they are in a rush or the thought never crosses their mind that they are spelling it wrong. Now if a person is as bad as my little example then go ahead! Hit them with a Dictionary!
I dnt no wat u mean
-Ashaleyy :]